The Holy Eucharist contains the whole spiritual treasure of the Church.
That is, Christ Himself.
He is the Living Bread, whose flesh, vivified by the Holy Spirit, gives life to men.
Jesus awaits us in His Sacrament of Love
Often people are not able to attend Mass due to illness, surgery, or other
incapacitation, and thus are unable to receive the Eucharist. Our Homebound
Ministry brings the Eucharist to them in their homes during these times.
The duration of their need may be short-term or indefinite. The days and times
for visits may vary according to need. They can be very flexible; but are usually
once per week, and are arranged between the assigned minister and the
parishioner in need.
The ministry is a wonderful opportunity to bring Jesus in the Eucharist to those
who could not otherwise receive Him; to help them keep in touch with our
Church community; and to form special relationships in the process.
Training is available.
If you are feeling called to this ministry and/or have any questions, please email:
Mary Morgan at: [email protected].
If you, a family member, or friend are in need of this ministry, or if you know of
someone who is, please contact the Church office at 830-779-3131.